How did we curate imagibox?

Parental Concerns

Parental Concerns

Concerned parents approached BetterSpace psychologists with issues like disinterest in learning, behavioural concerns and screen dependency among their children.

Innovative Creation​

Innovative Creation​

Drawing from their expertise, the psychologists at BetterSpace conceptualized Imagibox as an innovative solution in the form of a therapy box to address the diverse learning needs, family bonds and challenges faced by children and families.

Pilot Study

Pilot Study

A six-month pilot study involving 100 families was conducted, including parents of regular students, children with learning disabilities, and slow learners.

Positive Feedback

Positive Feedback

Feedback from participating families was overwhelmingly positive, with reports of improved cognitive development, reduced screen time, and stronger emotional connections within the family.

Transformation & Commercial Availability

Transformation & Commercial Availability

Children engaged enthusiastically with Imagibox activities, with proven success, Imagibox transitioned from pilot to commercial product, offering hope and transformation to families seeking holistic Cognitive Development & Socio Emotional Learning (SEL) for their children.

*All Images used in this post are AI generated and for representation purposes only.

Read about the Research Report on Intellectual Property developed for Imagibox